Just been working on a booking system for holiday lets and stumbled on the next millennium time bomb – I was using php mktime to add days to a date and discovered that if you add 1 day to Jan 1st 2037 the result is correct, but if you add 1 day to April 1st 2038 you get a date back in 1968 (a good year – but not the right answer!).
If you want to check it out yourself the PHP code is included below:
Function FindDate($sDate,$iDirection,$sTarget) { // $sDate format YYYY-MM-DD from MySQL table // $idirection to go forward or back in time // $sTarget day of week we want to find list($yyyy,$mm,$dd)=preg_split('/\W/',$sDate); $i=0; do { $timestamp=mktime(0, 0, 0, $mm, $dd+$i, $yyyy); $i=$i+$iDirection; $w=date('D',$timestamp); // gives Mon - Sun echo ($i." ".$sDate." ".$w); echo (date('Y-m-d',$timestamp)."\n"); } while ($w!=$sTarget && abs($i<7)); $r= date('Y-m-d',$timestamp); echo ($r."\n"); return $r; }