Archive for the ‘Main Content’ Category

Test Product 001

Monday, January 18th, 2016

test product 0011929-Karol-Hojer-Anna-Rittmann-Moskwa-watercolour[wpecpp name=”test product 001″ price=”1.99″]

Wednesday, August 5th, 2015

1933 school photo Walery Choroszewski- aged 10-12 Nr 10 front of photo


Daniel Naylor

Wednesday, August 5th, 2015
Daniel Naylor

Daniel Naylor (Dora’s father)

Social Lending

Wednesday, June 22nd, 2011

I have recently been looking at various social lending websites. The idea is that individual lenders lend money to individual borrowers via the social lending website, rather than via the banks. The result is that the lender receive a higher rate of return while the borrower pays a lower rate of interest.

For the sake of this exercise I have opened a lending account on four of the social lending websites to see how they compare:
Funding Circle

processing open office .ods files in perl

Thursday, May 26th, 2011

Have just spent the last couple of days trying to process a spreadsheet file created in openoffice using perl. The problem I had was deciding which CPAN module to use. A choice of one which did everything I wanted would have been ideal. Unfortunately I had the overwhelming choice of hundreds.

I finally settled for ODF::lpOD

Thanks to the following pages that pointed me in the right direction:,_read_and_update