Scams have gone down market!

December 16th, 2008

Just received a scam email from pretending to be from Abbey Bank, but unlike most of this sort of rubbish it was for only 190 pounds (thats pounds, not millions).

Hey if you are going to try to scam me please make it worth my while!

Seriously – we all know to ignore messages wanting to transfer silly amounts of money into our bank accounts, it is worth remembering that the amount is unimportant – what they want is for you to visit their website and enter your username and password and other details.

Be careful out there and have a good Christmas and lets all look forward to the ÛpTurn in the New Year.

PS – Just checked – the website has been closed down – well done for their quick action.

New VAT Rate of 15% now implemented

December 1st, 2008

All invoices issued today (Monday 1 December 2008) will be charged at the new VAT rate of 15% instead of the old rate of 17.5% giving our customers a total saving of a fantastic, unprecedented, unimaginable, generous, overhyped 2.5% !. In fact the actual saving is a bit less – concentrate carefully:

Old rate 17.5%:
Net total: £100.00
VAT @ 17.5 = £17.50
Toatal: = £117.50

New VAT rate 15%:

Net total: £100.00
VAT @ 17.5 = £15.00
Toatal: = £115.00

Total (post VAT saving) = £2.50
which is only 2.13% of the old total of £117.5 (try it on your calculator: 100*2.5/117.5

New Lower VAT Rate

November 26th, 2008

The new lower VAT rate does not take effect till Monday.

As a result anyone wanting to buy a high priced item should consider putting off the purchase till after the weekend. But (unless I am mistaken) if the goods or services are not going to be delivered till Monday or later the merchant is in a position to charge VAT at the new rate.

Look in “Are there any special rules for sales spanning the change of rate?”

So I’m off for a few days fishing and sunning myself on the beach and unless otherwise requested will not be doing any work till Monday!!! Thank you Darling
Disclaimer – I’m not an accountant etc so treat this as you would any snippet of gossip overheard on the Clapham Omnibus…..

Spam from

October 29th, 2008

Like a lot of other people I have just been buried under a heap of spam from, first there was the original spam asking me to move my domains to another domain registrar, followed by lots of irate people who replied to the original spam as the spammer had set up his email to forward all replies to the original list of victims.

So if you do receive a spam message please do not reply to it as your reply is only going to fill another innocent victims mailbox with junk. If you want to do something to get your own back on the spammer try to work out who benefits from the spam – if it is a legit company it may be an affiliate of theirs who sent the spam, in which case send a copy of the email to the company whose goods are being advertised.

BT profiteering again?

September 29th, 2008

Just received the following from my broadband provider

Our supplier, BT Wholesale, has introduced a cancellation charge which
applies if you stop or ‘cease’ your broadband service. This may mean you’d
get charged if you cancelled your broadband service with us. Examples of
where the charge is payable can include moving house, or changing
supplier. From the 29th October 2008, if you cancel your broadband
service, a £20 fee may be payable.

If you terminate this Agreement at any time, and choose not to
transfer your Broadband Service using a MAC code, you will be required to
pay a cessation (cancellation) fee of £20.00 to remove the Broadband
Service from your telephone line. This charge is applied to us by BT.

So it looks like even when I am not a customer of BT they can still charge me for not using their service! I wonder what the reaction would be if I tried to charge my customers if they have the temerity to stop using my srervices…. Sadly I am not a monopoly, so I can guess that the reaction would be unprintable!.